China Resources Research Institute of Science and Technology signed a memorandumof cooperation with the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology to promote thetransformation of scientific research achievements into market-oriented products andservices On November 18, The memorandum was signed by Mr. Chen Ying, BoardChairman and Chief Executive Officer of China Resources Enterprise, and Prof. NancyIP, HKUST President. Mr. WANG Xiangming, Chairman of China Resources Groupwitnessed the signing ceremony online.Other guests included Mr. Liu Lidong, ExecutiveDeputy Director of the Group's Learning and Innovation Center, Mr. Feng Kai and Mr.ZhiZhe, Vice Presidents of CRE.
According to the MoU, HKUST and China Resources Institute will form joint projectteams to explore feasible collaboration plans on research and knowledge transfer in theaforementioned fields.hina Resources Group will also provide internship or jobopportunities for HKUST students and graduates, and consider establishing scholarships.Meanwhile, China Resources Business School (Hong Kong) will also explore thepossibility of setting up executive training programs – including open classes with theHKUST, in efforts to promote the grooming of business and innovation talent.
Chairman of China Resources Group Mr. WANG Xiangming said, “Through cooperationwith the HKUST, we hope to make full use of China Resources’ diversified industrialadvantages to promote knowledge transfer of different research areas at HKUST,promote synergy among the research, academic and industry sectors, and enhance themomentum of Hong Kong’s I&T development. Meanwhile, we are glad to be able to helpnurture talent for Hong Kong and the country, through providing students at HKUST avariety of work and internship opportunities.”
HKUST President Prof. Nancy Ip said, “We are very pleased to establish a strategicpartnership with the China Resources Research Institute of Science and Technology inthe fields of molecular neuroscience, sustainable development and microelectronics, andlooking forward to establishing a joint research center for brain science with the ChinaResources Enterprise. Our strengths in these areas strongly align with the strategicdevelopment goals of the China Resources, and I sincerely hope that combiningHKUST’s research and innovation capabilities with China Resources’ diversifiedindustrial advantages will lead to technological breakthroughs and industrial developmentin these areas, thus contributing to the I&T development in Hong Kong and the nation,and adding new momentum to the nation's social and economic development.”